The annual orgy of geek entertainment excess is in full swing right now to the south, and I'll be taking the early train down tomorrow morning to add to the mayhem. On Saturday I'll be on ASIFA-Hollywood's annual
"State of the Animation Industry" panel. . .
I would have gone down for most of the event, which is the best way to go, but it's become so insanely popular that if you don't reserve a hotel room far in advance, you'll be out of luck. San Diego also has many fewer parking lots around the convention center than they had just a few years ago, so the option of driving back and forth from LA several days in a row has become an expensive, exhausting task. Heck, just walking around the ever-expanding convention once you get there is exhausting. So I've wimped out, and this year I'll skip the driving, and go for just one day (unfortunately the busiest day of the event).
I'm still not sure what I'm going to try to do, aside from the panel, while I'm there -- there are just too many interesting panels, screening, and signings, along with dozens of friends and acquaintances with booths or tables. And with a day there I probably won't even have time to simply browse up and down every aisle, which I always try to do.
I'll try to take some snapshots and post here next week, for those of you who will be missing the fun.
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