We here present our first TAG interview with a leading light of the animation industry, kicking off this new feature via a conversation with one of the pillars of the Walt Disney Animation Studios, supervising director Ruben Aquino ...
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Find all TAG Interviews on the TAG website at this link
We'll be running interviews throughout the coming year. They won't be appearing with any kind of metronomic clockwork, but as we get around to
A) Conducting them,
B) Editing them, and
C) Putting them up.
Hope you like the results.
Oh Gawd, I saw the picture and thought "Please dont be dead...."
Minor Heart Attack....I'm fine.
Finally! Rubin gets some WELL DESERVED props!!
I can't wait to give it a listen.
WHOOPS! Typo!!!
Ruben I mean. Sorry!
No obituary, an INTERVIEW.
How about more stories about the good old days? Those are rivetting.
I had the pleasure of working with Ruben on a number of productions. He never lost that sheer exuberance of putting pencil to paper.
The animation world will sorely miss this wonderful man. Thank you for such a lovely tribute
The animation world will sorely miss this wonderful man. Thank you for such a lovely tribute.
Say what?
Dude, Ruben isn't gone. This is an interview.
Int. Er. View.
"Thank you for such a lovely tribute."
I'm so sorry. He is sorely missed.
P.S. Paul is really dead.
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