Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TAG Labor Day Deadlines

As the days of August dwindle down to a heat-stroked few, we've got some important End-Dates looming ...

WAGE SURVEY DEADLINE -- We continue to receive a stream of survey forms, both digital and paper. Out of 3500 forms sent out, we have gotten back 19%.

This breaks down to 485 paper forms; 182 digital forms. (So like, don't stop now. We're still shooting for 25%. Or more.)

CONTRACT RATIFICATION DEADLINE -- Contract Ratification packets went out on Friday, November 10th. The ballots need to be received by the American Arbitration Association no later than Friday, August 31st.

401(K) ENROLLMENTS -- There's two more weeks of 401(k) Enrollment Meetings (hosted by moi.) We've gotten bigger turnouts at almost all the studio venues, probably because the end of the year is fast approaching and if members want to defer income, the window is closing. The remaining meetings:

Disney TVA -- Sonora Bldg. -- Tuesday, August 21, 10 a.m., Rm 1172

Disney TVA -- Empire Center -- Tuesday, Aug. 21st, 2 p.m., Rm 5223

Disney Toons Studio -- Thurs., Aug. 23rd, 10 a.m., Conf. Rm 103

Fox Animation -- Tues., Aug. 28th, 3 p.m., Main Conf. Rm

Cartoon Network -- Wed. Aug. 28th, 1 p.m., Main Conf. Rm.

If people want to get their 401(k) Plan up and running in the month of September, they need to get their forms in no later than Labor Day. That would be Monday, September 3.


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