DreamWorks Animation will be unveiling its profit and loss stats on the morrow. A preview:
Last quarter, the Glendale, Calif.-based DreamWorks, which created computer-animated features including the "Shrek" films and "Antz," swung to a profit on strong DVD sales of "Madagascar." During the fourth quarter, DW Investment II Inc., an investment firm controlled by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, exercised a right to force DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. to issue an undisclosed amount of shares. The company warned it expects to take a write-down in the fourth quarter on its latest animated film, "Flushed Away," which opened Nov. 3....
Tuesday we get all the ornate details.
DreamWorks is now the last stand-alone animation studio now that Pixar has been swallowed up by the big mouse. And all they have to do to remain i nthe black is turn out one hit after another.
No problem at all, right?
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