With an increasing number of people working at the CBA minimums, members need to be aware of the minimum rate of pay for their category. These are minimums; studios are not required to raise overscale pay unless the new minimum is greater than your pay rate. For all the CBA minimums, go to our website.
Studios are required to automatically raise the pay of any employee whose rate falls below the numbers listed below and in our collective bargaining agreement. Any below-scale payments must be promptly reported to the Guild, since there is a one-year statute of limitations on wage complaints.
Here’s a summary of some of the journey minimums, effective July 31, 2011:
Production Board [staff] : $1,872.84 per 40-hour week
Animator, Background, Layout, Model Designer, Animation Writer, Visual Development, CGI Animator/Modeler, Production Technical Director [I]: $40.714 per hour; $1,628.56 per 40-hour week
Key Assistant Animator, Key Assistant CGI Animator/Modeler [II], Production Technical Director [II]: $39.018 per hour; $1,560 per 40-hour week
Assistant Animator, Assistant Background, Assistant Layout, Assistant Model Designer, Animation Checker, Color Key, Assistant CGI Animator/Modeler [III], Production Technical Director [III], Digital Check: $34.843 per hour; $1,393.72 per 40-hour week
IMPORTANT: Minimum health and pension contribution hours for unit-rate scripts and storyboards will also increase effective July 31, to the amounts listed below.
7-15 minutes:
Synopsis and Outline: $894.21; 47 health and pension hours
Storyboard Only: $1,488.15; 51 health and pension hours
Teleplay or Screenplay: $2.916.62; 153 health and pension hours
Full Script* (outline plus screenplay): $3,810.83; 200 health and pension hours
Half-hour subjects:
Synopsis and Outline: $1,590.76; 91 health and pension hours
Storyboard Only: $2,825.93; 100 health and pension hours
Teleplay or Screenplay: $5,590.08; 309 health and pension hours
Full Script* (outline plus screenplay): $7,180.84; 400 health and pension hours
One hour or more:
Synopsis and Outline: $2,367.35; 93 health and pension hours
Storyboard Only: $4,215.08; 151 health and pension hours
Teleplay or Screenplay: $8,409.12; 307 health and pension hours
Full Script* (outline plus screenplay): $10,776.47; 400 health and pension hours
* reflects the Synopsis and Outline minimum plus the Teleplay or Screenplay minimum.
This summary only reflects the rates in our standard CBA, and it is not inclusive of all job categories or non-journey levels. Nor does it necessarily reflect the minimums in contracts covering Guild members at with Disney/TTL, Sony Pictures Animation or Nickelodeon.
Finally: If, like many members, you're paid over these minimums, that is at least in part due to knowing not only the minimum rates of pay but also the "going rates". Please help you fellow animation workers know those rates b7y filling out our wage survey questionnaire. Information on the survey, and links to the questionnaire form, are here.
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