Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Five Mickeys

One more art piece from Mega Collector. ...

Interesting story about this one: Mega saw the Mickeys advertised on an art sales website, and recognized it as being done in the middle thirties by Fred Moore.

"I know Fred's drawing style, and knew right away it couldn't have been done by anyone other than Fred ..."

Happily, the seller had no idea who drew the Mickey studies, and so Mega got the drawing for a good price.

Moral: When you've got more knowledge in a negotiation than the other guy, you usually come out okay.


stevenem said...

What a treat to be able to see his roughs and construction.

miller said...

there's one funny thing about this drawings. If you look to the red pencil you'll see that Moore drawn Mickey's eyes first the way it was going to be later, with the "white part", but then change it back to the way it was until them, with only a black dot for an eye. I don't know it for sure, but maybe this drawings are from the period between that change really happens, I mean, he was already thinking of it, but still haven't decide it. Is it possible? If it is true, this one piece is a much more important discovery, don't you think?

ps - I'm sorry for my bad english.

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