Tom Sito asked this question on Facebook yesterday:
Okay gang, now that we are at mid-year, who is your money on for the Oscar for BEST ANIMATED FEATURE?
Is it too early to be asking? Of course it is, but that isn't stopping the trade papers and Entertainment Weekly from asking about live-action prospects.
And note that the question isn't limited to features that have been released, or even those that you've seen.
Hands down: Mars Needs Moms. Oops, did I give it away too early?
I have seen Rio, Kung-Fu Panda 2, Cars 2
and Rango... Rango is my favorite so far...
From the movies that have been released so far, I think that the nominees would be:
Rio, Kung Fu Panda 2, and Rango with Rango being the winner.
But Aardman's Arthur's Christmas may be a contender when it's released and perhaps even Happy Feet 2.
Pesonally, I hope the Oscar goes to a good indie animated movie because all of this year's possible nominees are sub-par.
what about Tangled? it only came out this year in UK so is it or isn't it a 2011 movie?
Last year was epic/awesome. Even films that didn't get nominated were great.
This year, not so much. I'm pulling for Rio since Blue Sky has never got an Oscar for a feature.
Kung Fu II
Tin Tin.
Winnie the Pooh? No?
Rio and Winnie the Pooh definitely. Definitely not Cars 2 or Rango(especially Rango)
I don't really care or have respect for their opinion Tangled was by far the best movie released last year and it didn't even get nominated. It was groundbreaking and sincere, something they somehow didn't appreciate. I also haven't gotten over than they gave the award to Happy Feet in 2006, one of the worst animated films ever.
Astro Boy!
Cars 2 will win, of course.
Not because it's any good, but because Pixar will have a crying fit if they lose, like that other animation award in which Wall E lost to Kung Fu Panda.
(Personally, I'd go for Arrietty, if it counts as a 2011 film.)
Arriety doesn't count because it will be released in the U.S in 2012.
The only foreign/indie animated film that I know which will get a U.S. release in 2011 (or has it been released already?) and thus be eligible for the Oscar is the French hand-drawn feature A Cat in Paris.
I hope that one wins.
Does anyone know any other foreign/indie animated films which will get a U.S release in 2011?
@Anon 3:53:00
you don't need to worry, Arthur Christmas won't be a contender.
Didn't Happy Feet beat out Cars for the Oscar?
Will history repeat itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Transformers 3
I am working on Happy Feet 2 and we are all working hard to make the best movie ever. Only 4 months to go and still only 5% of the movie rendered...
^The trailer for Happy Feet is lots of fun, so I hope the movie is as well.
But I'm hearing good things about Arthur Christmas. Namely, that it's a visual treat and the script is sharp and warm-hearted. Perfect film for Christmas.
But yeah...I'd have to give my vote to....Astro Boy!!!! (Better late than never).
Atroboy got the Razzie as "worst cartoon" the year it was made. It was hated in spades by audiences around the world, as they rejected it completely. Awful and cheap looking. It's only saving grace is that it was better than rango.
Has everyone already forgotten Hoodwinked II?
"But I'm hearing good things about Arthur Christmas. Namely, that it's a visual treat and the script is sharp and warm-hearted. Perfect film for Christmas."
I heard they are actual going back to the storyboards because audience felt Santa was too mean spirited and there was an appalling lack of any humor. Yes, the movie's release date is around Thanksgiving and they are going back to storyboards.
It's only saving grace is that it was better than rango.
You shut your mouth. Nothing is better than Rango.
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