Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Mouse and Mao

What would Walt say about his company climbing into bed with the Red Chinese? Again?!

... Walt Disney Company (Shanghai) set up its first online animation games production base outside America when its branch office was put into operation in Ningbo of Zhejiang province on June 12. ...

The whole idea of this marriage gives me the vapors. Diz Co.'s founder wore his "Goldwater" pin when Lyndon Johnson presented him with the Medal of Freedom. I'm only glad he didn't live to see this outrage.

First an amusement park, and now this. Don't people understand these people are godless commies!? How could Iger do it!?


Charles Z. said...
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Chris Sobieniak said...

And yet I have no qualms about the issue. Our world pretty much is all shades of grey as I see it.

Anonymous said...
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AI said...

It's a Small World after all.

Anonymous said...

Since when was being godless a bad thing? ;)

rufus said...

Thank you, anonymous 9:45!


Anonymous said...

-> How could Iger do it!?

--> Walt Disney boss Robert Iger took home ... $54,917,238

Um, ... that's how.

Anonymous said...

**Walt Disney boss Robert Iger took home ... $54,917,238**

Jeebus. Poor Uncle Walt never took home THAT kind of money.

Nice to know that the suits that are corrupting his company by buying junk like the Muppets and Marvel are being well paid for it. :P

Anonymous said...

muppets AND marvel? Don't you think that should be 'Muppets vs Marvel'? Now there's a film!!!!

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