At the same time, it bears repeating that we should be doing better. Last year's results were almost disastrously low, and if we can only do better than that we still aren't doing nearly well enough. As several commenters have noted, this survey is too important not to respond to, especially given how easy we've made it.
If you haven’t yet returned the wage survey, please take the two or three minutes to fill it out, and return it in the postpaid envelope. If you didn’t return the survey, or didn't receive one or or have misplaced it, you can:
- Contact me by e-mail and ask to have the survey and the postpaid return envelope mailed to you, or
- Download the form and mail, fax or e-mail it back to the attention of Jeff Massie. We will take the form and mix it with the ones we’ve received to guarantee your anonymity.
Let's not just do "well enough". We owe it to ourselves to do better.
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