Monday, June 13, 2011

The Final Name

... We think. From the Disney Press Release:

Wreck-It Ralph (voice of Reilly) longs to be as beloved as his game’s perfect Good Guy, Fix-It Felix (voice of McBrayer). Problem is, nobody loves a Bad Guy. But they do love heroes… so when a modern, first-person shooter game arrives featuring tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Lynch), Ralph sees it as his ticket to heroism and happiness. He sneaks into the game with a simple plan—win a medal—but soon wrecks everything, and accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens every game in the arcade. ...

For those keeping score at home: This feature began life as Joe Jump, back in the David Stainton days, then went into hibernation, then got revived (and revised) as Reboot Ralph and is now Wreck-It Ralph.

I'm informed that as of last week, there were three layout artists on the picture, and that the goal is to get an inventory of layouts before hiring a crew of animators.

On another front, I was at DreamWorks Animation this A.M. and today I did get questions about "gap time," with animators and some other artists taking sabbaticals, and a number of production people (who we don't represent) getting laid off. The company is doing some restructuring and repositioning, since Croods is still holding sequences back for story work, and DreamWorks is doing a bit less animation with its reduced number of scheduled features (five features over two years, instead of six.)

I'm told that the animation for Puss in Boots is scheduled for completion in July, but some artists figure it will slop over into August.


Anonymous said...

and that the goal is to get an inventory of layouts before hiring a crew of animators.

Here's to hoping that they stay for more than one film. All signs point to that, but you know Disney...

Anonymous said...

Definitely a better title. And good cast!

Ryan said...

Dr. Steve Brule is the star of a Disney animated movie. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for the total thread-jack (Wreck-it Ralph sounds very interesting, better than Reboot Ralph). is Target's anti-union propaganda that all new Target employees are required to watch:

It's instructive to see how this propaganda is fairly effective at making employees think unionization is against their own interests. Of course, that is totally untrue--they'd probably enjoy a 20% increase in their wages if they did.

Their messaging is simple, primal, and effective. Unions need to do better to combat this, with their OWN simple, primal, and effective messaging. So far, I haven't seen it.

Anonymous said...

The title is ATROCIOUS...I can't believe Lasseter approved of it. It's difficult to say and not catchy at all. Reboot Ralph or Joe Jump was much better.

Oh and it's going to be different? Sort of like how Emperor's New Groove and Atlantis were different? Those films failed. Disney needs to stick with its bread and butter, sweet tales that have a song or two. Stop trying to be hip. Leave that trash to Dreamworks. Create more Great Mouse Detectives if they want a break from fairy tales.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard anything about the progress Honor? I heard that they haven't even started working on the actual animation yet. It's less than 17 months from being released.

HMMM...Lasseter favouring his precious Pixar over Disney again? Probably. Sorry, Pixar is his baby and he simply cares more about it than Disney Animation. That's the truth. This is why he'll never actually try to make the Disney animated films better than his Pixar films. The terrible sequel to Monsters Inc. gets more time to be perfected while Ralph gets the short end of the stick. Typical.

Anonymous said...

"HMMM...Lasseter favouring his precious Pixar over Disney again? Probably. Sorry, Pixar is his baby and he simply cares more about it than Disney Animation. That's the truth. This is why he'll never actually try to make the Disney animated films better than his Pixar films. "

And you know this...because....?

Oh...because it's all your personal, uneducated speculation. That's how. In other words, you made it up.

Anonymous said...

Disney needs to stick with its bread and butter, sweet tales that have a song or two. Stop trying to be hip. Leave that trash to Dreamworks. Create more Great Mouse Detectives if they want a break from fairy tales.

People like you have no vision, and can only look backwards. As if the only choices are "hip" Dreamworks movies or tired retreads from the past.

Both are the wrong choice.

Anonymous said...

If you've seen the film (as I have), you'd know "Wreck-It Ralph" is the perfect choice for the title.

But go on Disney bashing, it's fun, right?

o-meon said...

In our office, shortly after the Wreck It Ralph press release quoted in this thread arrived we also received a follow up from the same studio rep requesting that we completely disregard their previous statement.

Maybe the title, or the project for that matter, isn't quite ready for production after all.

Anonymous said...

In our office, shortly after the Wreck It Ralph press release quoted in this thread arrived we also received a follow up from the same studio rep requesting that we completely disregard their previous statement.

Hilarious! Disney is in disarray!

Inside the Hat said...

Uh...O-meon is either lying or uninformed.

Or doesnt work at Disney Animation...

Anonymous said...

C'mon Steve. Stop allowing Joe Schmo Liar off the street to post here. Why not register with a union email and still allow to post anonymously?

It's Wreck-It Ralph. Jeez. So many trolls.

mark pudleiner said...

"Wreck-It Ralph" is simply easy to say. And the title alone makes me want to find out what it is about.

So far it's working imho.

llama boy said...

I say let people speak their minds. As for the title, it does not bother me at all. As for "The Emperors New Groove", it has grown on me. Many friends of mine tell me they enjoyed it, and I'm glad I was part of the crew. "Tangled" failed to be funny IMO. Perhaps they should revisit the kind of humour they were going for in 'groove'.

Anonymous said...

People can state their opinion, that's totally fine.

But spreading outright lies about Disney? C'mon.

Anonymous said...

-> People can state their opinion, that's totally fine.
-> But spreading outright lies about Disney? C'mon.

First all-company meeting from JL and EC on the soundstage at Disney Burbank (paraphrasing, but the gist is accurate):

"No layoffs at all, fully 10 years of solid work ahead at Feature Animation."

Six months later, half of Feature Animation gets their layoff notice.

There's a Disney lie for ya', but coming from the other direction that what you meant.

Anonymous said...

"No layoffs at all, fully 10 years of solid work ahead at Feature Animation."

What? you're so full of it.

Anonymous said...

I was talking about what o-meon said. That was a lie. There was no email about "disregarding" the Ralph name change.

Anonymous said...

^Maybe you should re-read his post.

Anonymous said...

I re-read it. So, he's just using the word "lie" as free-association to tell an old Disney factoid? Okay. I know people lie. Great. Good.

But Ralph is still called "Wreck-it Ralph," which is the only thing I care that people know. You all can continue to go about yelling at each other...

Anonymous said...

I can't say 'Wreck-it Ralph' without it sounding like Scooby Doo.

When I saw this line in the press release and my eyebrows shot up:

and accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens every game in the arcade.

The arcade???? Arcades were cool when my father was playing games. How many kids even know what the hell an arcade is anymore? Is this a retro story?

Anonymous said...

-> "No layoffs at all, fully 10 years of solid work ahead at Feature Animation."

-> What? you're so full of it.

In fact, that is what was explicitly said.

Anonymous said...

Is this a retro story?


And your other questions are handled in the narrative.

But let's continue to bash this film based on the log line.

Some people are just angry. You're like that nerd know-it-all in elementary school who constantly raised his hand to correct the teacher. Are you the same guy who complained about the Tangled trailer that hair would have to have a skeletal structure to move like that? It must be exhausting and lonely to be you.

Anonymous said...

"In fact, that is what was explicitly said."

In fact, it wasn't. I was there too. They certainly talked about how they wanted to make movies with the talent that was already at the studio, but that's a lot different than "no layoffs at all".

Anonymous said...

-- "In fact, that is what was explicitly said."

- In fact, it wasn't. I was there too.

The "no layoffs" comment was made by JL not at the all-company meeting, but at the Feature Animation meeting where they bussed everybody to the El Capitan Theater.

Someone even got up and asked JL if the ominous presence of Disney's "closer" (Andrew Milstein) meant a reduction or closing of FA. JL said no, but, of course, we all know about the subsequent...uh...reduction.

Milstein closed TS3, FA Florida, Secret Lab, etc.

(And the person who asked JL then did get laid-off, BTW.)

Anonymous said...

Good for Disney trying something out of the norm, but it seems a little late to jump on the video game band wagon. It seems like tv shows stopped doing sucked into video episodes a few years ago.

It seems more like old people that know nothing about video games trying to make a movie that captures what they remember about them and adding new "new-fangled" cool stuff.

I mean, an arcade?!?! Do arcades even exist anymore? Does this all happen at a Chucky cheese or a Shakey's pizza?

And obviously about the types of videos games in the story? Its obvious that they're Mario/Donkey Kong, Halo, and Mario Kart. Not really common games you find in the dying arcades you might find these days.

It's sad that they have some funny people working on the project, but probably will be unable to make something that makes any sense to anyone under the age of 30 thats ever touched a video game. Come on guys, the video games hang out in a surge protector and then they have to stop a virus with a "glitch."

Anonymous said...

I hear they have different art directors for each of worlds since they couldn't stand working together.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on it and it's hilarious but it doesn't make much sense if you know video games. Sort of like watching characters hack into a computer on csi. Funny cause they got it so wrpng

Anonymous said...

I think a funnier premise might be an animated version of a bunch of guys who have no clue about video games trying to make a cool movie about video games. It could be a mockumentary.

Anonymous said...

The rich moore andy harkness & mike gabriel show - experts on thing they know nothing about. This fall on tlc

Anonymous said...

"Is this a retro story?


But let's continue to bash this film based on the log line.

Some people are just angry."

Speaking of angry! Dude, all I did was point out something that the press release seemed to suggest, but didn't come right out and say. My mood was bemusement. You respond with anger, and accuse me of some other slight you've been carrying around for god knows what reason.

So we know you're offended by anything that is not blind praise of Disney, and that you've taken on the task of joining the Angry Comment Police. Sounds exhausting and, well, lonely.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, my bad. You're right. The rest of your comment was clearly high praise:

"An Arcade!?!?!?! Arcades were cool when my FATHER was playing games!!!?!?! OMG!!! HAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!*vomits*" (emphasis mine)

I stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

Dont the disney pa,s have something else better to be doing than defending their product on a union that they don't blog to's blog?

Anonymous said...

Isn't your mom calling you upstairs for dinner?

Anonymous said...

The Disney division of the Union of ADCP (Angry, Douchey Comment Police) demands the right to turn any comment into a silly flame war. That's why they get paid the big bucks. Please do not question them. They will always get the last word.

Anonymous said...

No no! Let's keep dumping on Disney! C'mon thats way more fun! Wreck-It Ralph is gonna bomb and everyone working on it are idiots! That's fact!

Anonymous said...

Every time I hear about this movie all I can think is "Disney's really making a movie about a video game?" It and the new name sound stupid.

Disney's just doing this to get boys right?

Anonymous said...

"And you know this...because....?

Oh...because it's all your personal, uneducated speculation. That's how. In other words, you made it up"

Hmmm...possibly because Lasseter wasn't even at Disney for most of the production for Tangled. Why? He was fixing Cars 2. This was on Blue Sky Disney so take it up with Honor if you don't believe me. I didn't say he didn't care at all about Disney. Of course he has to care, it's his job. Yet, he cares more about Pixar. He'll always fix Pixar's films and have more invested in them than Disney. It's his baby you ass. Who would you care more about? Your baby or your uncle? Sorry, child wins every time no matter how much you want to help someone who influenced you as Walt Disney influenced Lasseter. He can only spread himself out so much, thus Pixar wins.

Oh and Monsters University gets more time while Ralph has to be completed with less time. That's not favouritism? I'm sure the Disney animators say "Great! We have less than 18 months to finish this project!"

I can have my opinion as well, douchebag. And I stated some facts. What facts do you have asshole?

Anonymous said...

"People like you have no vision, and can only look backwards. As if the only choices are "hip" Dreamworks movies or tired retreads from the past.

Both are the wrong choice"

What is the right choice smartass? Any actual suggestions? In the previous post, I said they should make more Great Mouse Detectives actually. I have no problem with fairy tales but sure, Disney needs a break from them since two came out back to back. I had no problem with the concept initially but they changed it to be too similar to Megamind and a host of other animated films. How is that original? Does that have vision buddy? A film about an arcade? Kids don't even play in arcades anymore. Do the animators know much about video games? Oh and that's not trying to be hip? Attempting to get boys to watch the film because it has a video game character in it? No you're right. Good call, that's so original. Sorry, Disney's biggest films have been musicals. FACT. Not Atlantis and certainly not Treasure Planet. The film doesn't make any sense and this shameless pandering to boys is pathetic. It was pathetic when they tried to do it with Tangled and it's pathetic now. Sort of like you.

Anonymous said...

If you can't agree that Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph are awful titles then you are out of your mind and need help.

Anonymous said...

Tangled was bad, admittedly, but Wreck-It Ralph is great. When you see the movie, you'll agree.

Oh, and it's nothing like Megamind.

It's funny, I'm having flashbacks to Rapunzel/Tangled when I was here saying "its not like the first teaser you guys, its better, I promise" and no one believed me. I was proved right. Now Im here saying "Wreck-It Ralph is a great title and a good film" and no one believes me.

Oh well. Such is life.

Anonymous said...

I meant the title, not the film...

Anonymous said...

Tangled was bad, admittedly

And I meant to quote myself with this. I gotta stop posting drunk.

Anonymous said...

Tangled was bad, admittedly, but Wreck-It Ralph is great. When you see the movie, you'll agree.

We already get the association now from the synopsis. The name of the bad-guy-turned-good it's "wreck-it ralph" and that of the hero is "fix-it felix". There is a contrast with the names and alliteration. Great. Also the "wreck" part refers to the protagonist who as a game villain destroys things, I assume.

The title STILL sucks despite of that.

Anonymous said...

^Someone needs their diaper changed

Anonymous said...

A lot of weed was being smoked when they came up with this in the writer's room. Yup...a whole lotta weed.

Anonymous said...

I heard Jim Reardon involved in this film. Is it true?

Anonymous said...

someone's been drinking the Hatorade...

Ralph said...

Speaking as a man named Ralph, I think the title is one more reason why the Ralphs of the world have to put up with crap from everyone about our name. Why didn't they dig deep into their fertile brains for a title that uses another name that isn't all battered and beaten from ire and ridicule. The main character could have even been female.

Ralph is a noble name, and was very popular at the end of the 19th century, and into the mid 20th century. But then my name became associated with dorks, geeks, and fat old bald men, and now the name is the butt of jokes. Let's not forget that it has become associated with the mantra one says while a person prays to the porcelain god after a night of binge drinking. Face it, "Wreck-it Ralph" is not a very clever title, and they need to go back and think about it more.

Anonymous said...

-- "In fact, that is what was explicitly said."

You were probably just as disappointed when your dad revealed that the tooth fairy was not real :( boo hoo

Anonymous said...

You're not really making much of a case for yourself there, Ralph.

Anonymous said...

The title SUCKS...I sincerely hope that they change it.

Anonymous said...

After a test screening, they'll see what scores best. Just good to see work happening under the hat.

suomynonA said...

The title is AWESOME...I sincerely hope they keep it.

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to strike against our own union.

This blog is embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

I think we should strike against our own employees who don't seem to understand what the fuck a nondisclosure agreement means.

Anonymous said...

"Hmmm...possibly because Lasseter wasn't even at Disney for most of the production for Tangled. Why? He was fixing Cars 2. This was on Blue Sky Disney so take it up with Honor if you don't believe me"

So, your lame, ignorant reality is based on a fanboy site that is even lamer than your "opinion?"

Stick to the fan sites. I'll stick to the facts. AND reality.
There are meds for people like you. Please take them.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Classy. I would say there's been some breaches of confidentialty on here but I won't point them out to give validity to them

o-meon said...

It's amazing how a discussion about anything going on at Disney animation can still inflame a discussion thread.

For the record, you small minded twits hiding behind firewalls, I never said Disney issued a blanket statement to disregard the press release that began this schoolyard farce. I said we - as in me and the other two guys who run our blog - received a notice to disregard the previous release.

I have no idea who else may, or may not, have received a similar message. Nor do I have any idea why such a message was sent out.

I did pose a hypothetical question about the potential readiness of the picture but in no way stated anything as fact.

I have no bloody reason on earth to lie about such a thing. So, I suggest that if you wish to call someone a liar in the future you get your panties out of a bunch, step out from the shadows, say it to their face, and be prepared to back up your accusations.

And people wonder why I've taken a year off from writing about the Mouse.

Charles W. "Chuck" Oberleitner aka Joe Schmo
Owner obe-mediaone
Contributing Blogger o-meon

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, you're either lying or uninformed. Turns out, you were uninformed. So I was right.

Lots of rumors circulate out there in internet-land, including misinformed emails from misinformed Disney employees (or non-employees). Who knows who contacted you or what they really said.

So I guess take this as a lesson, don't spread rumors.

But look at the bright side, I'd never heard of your blog before today. Good luck with it.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Classy. I would say there's been some breaches of confidentialty on here but I won't point them out to give validity to them.

Are you talking about the Jim Reardon comment? Is he really involved in the film?

K said...

"So, your lame, ignorant reality is based on a fanboy site that is even lamer than your "opinion?"

Stick to the fan sites. I'll stick to the facts. AND reality.
There are meds for people like you. Please take them."

Hey dickwad. Why don't you show your name? I'll hunt you down and rip your throat out.

What facts do you have? The film Wreck-It Ralph will be good because? Why should I believe it will be good or that Lasster cares equally about both companies? have nothing. Don't have blind faith in someone you don't even know. Lasseter is receiving a co-director credit on Cars 2. FACT. Look it up dumbass. Thus, he had to spend a large amount of time working on it.

Oh and o-meon has a blog. What do you have? 50 extra pounds on your fat body that you should probably lose before your wife cheats on you...unless you still live with your mother. Either scenario is very likely.

o-meon said...

It's only a movie. A. Hitchcock

Anonymous said...

- It's only a movie. A. Hitchcock

Ken Ralston relies on this quote quite often. It's a great "perspective reset" when the panicky self-importance of the lower Supes threatens to overtake the work.

Ralston is a kick!

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