Monday, June 20, 2011


This was clumsy.

Despite warnings, the Walt Disney Company managed to let the domain name for ["Club Penguin"] a website with 12 million users expire this morning

Four years ago, Diz Co. paid $700 million for Club Penguin. Easy to see why those high-powered execs make the big bucks.


Chris Sobieniak said...

Ah, the internet, never sticks around for long!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? How does a major corporation forget to renew the domain registration on their $700 MILLION DOLLAR investment?

...Also, why did Disney dump $700 million into this thing?

Anonymous said...

Disney owns most of their popular "fan sites" too--like Blue Sky Disney and Pixar Planet. And Warner brothers owns Rotten Tomatoes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's...kind of creepy and said. Do they own Miceage?

Anonymous said...

They paid around $350MM. The other $350MM was based on performance target(s) Club Penguin never achieved

Steve Hulett said...

We're waiting for the Mouse to buy this site. We expect a nice offer any day now.

And we'll be gentle. $125 million and it's theirs. I'll even continue the podcasts.

From my new home on Maui.

Anonymous said... is back on ... Too bad, I was not quick enough to buy it....

Anonymous said...

"Disney owns most of their popular "fan sites" too--like Blue Sky Disney and Pixar Planet."

Is this true? Fascinating. I browse them sometimes I had no idea they were basically corporate astroturfing fronts.

Homer Punter said...

"Disney owns most of their popular "fan sites" too--like Blue Sky Disney"

Wow, if that's true there is no honor. Shill, shill, shill, baby.

Honor Hunter said...

"Disney owns most of their popular "fan sites" too--like Blue Sky Disney"

To call this statement a lie would be too kind. The only one who owns my site, is me.

Dysitopic Enuciator said...

Anonymous should be taken as another Troll. If Blue Sky is owned by Disney, they sure do let things out that they don't want people knowing about too often. He probably has proof that the earth is flat as well.

Anonymous said...

Blue-Sky Disney is just another random disney fanboy site, certainly not worthy of notice by anyone, much less Disney. It's a notch above the vacuous, irrelevant tripe jim hill spews, but not much.

Steve Hulett said...

Oh my.

Puzzled said...

Jim Hill compared to Blue Sky Disney? That's cruel and unfair.

Anonymous said...

Blue Sky Disney has something 'exclusive' only once in a blue moon (pun intended). 99% of the time it just re-reports what other websites are reporting and that with a delay too.

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