Face it. The Top Dogs are better and more entitled than you are ...
And if you don't like it, you're a whiner.
... [T]he World Economic Forum, in a recent report, named the growing income divide as one of the biggest risks facing the world in the years to come.
“In developed economies, such as those of Western Europe, North America and Japan, the social contract that has in recent decades been taken for granted is in danger of being destroyed,” the report said, warning of the threat of a “dystopian future for much of humanity.” ...

We are a labor blog, after all. We do occasionally have to point these things out. (Let the Bush and Obama bashing begin.)
Soylent Green is 99% people.
And is it yummy!
cuz it's aged to perfection first!
Go USA! Where we still have freedom and allowed to become wealthy with hard work and innovation.
Go USA! Where we still have freedom and allowed to become wealthy with hard work and innovation.
Unless you work in VFX. I know VFX artists whose "hard work and innovation" on Avatar and other blockbusters have indeed generated great wealth...for Fox, Sony, and other conglomerates.
The VFX artists themselves collect no ongoing financial benefit from their "hard work and innovation." When the project's over, all they have left is what they managed to save during that project. They use up those savings while looking for the next job. Most go without health insurance, and few have anything saved for retirement.
VFX artists do generate wealth with their "hard work and innovation," but they do not get to reap the tiniest fraction of this wealth.
Go USA! Where we still have freedom and allowed to become wealthy with hard work and innovation, by cheating, selling bad mortgages, and raping companies, sending their jobs overseas, and hiding profits in offshore bank accounts! YAY for deregulation, which allows big companies to get public funds to destroy our health and environment!
Corporate Communism is alive and well in America.
It's shameful.
....do you even know what communism is?
A fundamental concept of communism is the common ownership of the means of production, rather than private ownership, in order to create a classless society. Creating economic activity and power is placed onto the public, ie, the public sector bears the burden of economic risk, not the private sector.
The best example of successful working communism in the modern world is the American military industrial complex.
The best example of successful working capitalism in the world is the People's Republic of China.
ie, who gives a shit what -isms mean, if they mean anything at all.
Yes. Obviously you don't.
Corporate Communism is when corporations use private money to lobby for legislation to get taxpayer money to bail them out (thanks, bush), and then use the money to pay bonuses and send jobs overseas.
How'd the phrase originate? Wouldn't it make more sense to just call it what it is - corporate greed? Which is permitted because of un-restrained capitalism?
No. It's corporate communism. We pay, they take.
But it's the same as corporate greed. But since a corporation is a people, and there are many of them: Corporate Communism.
Kind of like the when B.O. bailed out chrysler, gm and AIG but gave them their bonuses still this week even though those companies still bite. These administrations are all the same. Looking forward to voting this year to shake it up and see if it can get better than where we are now.
Kind of like the when B.O. bailed out chrysler, gm
President Obama saved thousands of jobs in the Midwest when he did that. Good call on President Obama's part.
These administrations are all the same.
Um, no. No they're not. I have a preexisting condition. I live in California, where private insurers have the right to reject my applications to purchase my own private health coverage coverage.
President George W. Bush didn't do anything to help people with preexisting conditions. For those who have no problem buying their own health coverage, he introduced federally-regulated high deductible health plan (HDHP) insurance and health savings accounts. These health savings accounts provide more government assistance to those in higher tax brackets than those in lower tax brackets, which seems a bit wacky to me.
President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. In 2014 I will be able to buy my own health insurance with my own money on health insurance exchanges.
Looking forward to voting this year to shake it up and see if it can get better than where we are now.
Me, too. I love our President, but I'd like to improve our House and Senate.
Redistributing the financial losses of corporations amongst taxpayers while keeping the profits is corporate communism.
President Obama tried to deny use of Taxpayer money for bonuses, but the gNOp killed that.
Lots of spin up there.
Finally, I love that we are one of the least unionized states in the country. It is an economic development tool unlike any other.
Our companies in South Carolina understand that they are only as good as those who work for them, and they take care of their employees.
The people of South Carolina have a strong work ethic, they value loyalty, and they take tremendous pride in the quality of their work.
We don’t have unions in South Carolina because we don’t need unions in South Carolina.
However, as we saw with the assault from the NLRB, the unions don’t understand that. They will do everything they can to invade our state and drive a wedge between our workers and our employers. We can’t have that.
Unions thrive in the dark. Secrecy is their greatest ally, sunlight their most potent adversary.
We can and we will do more to protect South Carolina businesses by shining that light on every action the unions take. With the help and support of Chairman Bill Sandifer and Director Catherine Templeton we will create a competitive playing field for the companies that choose to call our state home.
We will require unions to tell the people of South Carolina how much money they are making on our backs, which politicians they are funding, and how much they are paying themselves.
We will protect the right of every private and public citizen to refuse to join a union, and, by Executive Order, I will make it clear that our state will not subsidize striking workers by paying them unemployment benefits.
And we’ll make the unions understand full well that they are not needed, not wanted, and not welcome in the State of South Carolina."
s.c.gov. nikki haley
Yeah, that Nikki Haley is a genius. I guess that's why South Carolina is the nation's economic powerhouse.
Oh, wait, South Carolina's economy is ranked 47 out of the 50 states. Hmmm, maybe union busting isn't such an economic driver, after all. Here's another quote from Nikki:
"What I'm saying is, if you come to South Carolina, the cost of doing business is going to be low here. We are going to make sure that you have a loyal, willing workforce."
And how is she going to enforce this loyal, willing and cheap workforce? Maybe she longs to bring back slavery?
Finally, I love that we are one of the least unionized states in the country. It is an economic development tool unlike any other.
Our companies in South Carolina understand that they are only as profitable as those they can exploit, and governments they can bribe.
The corporations of South Carolina have a strong capitalist ethic, they value brand loyalty, and they take tremendous pride in the amount of money they make.
We don’t have unions in South Carolina because people don't know what unions are in South Carolina.
However, as we saw with the cash gifts from corporations into party politics, the unions won’t lie down. They will do everything they can to invade our state and drive a wedge between our corporations and our government. We can’t have that.
Corporations thrive in the dark. Secrecy is their greatest ally, sunlight their most potent adversary.
We can and we will do more to protect South Carolina corporations by shining that light on every action the unions take. With the help and support of WalMart and GE, we will create a rigged non-competitive playing field for the corporations that choose to call our state home.
We will not require the corporations to tell the people of South Carolina how much money they are making on our backs, which politicians they are funding, and how much in bonuses they are paying their CEO's.
We will protect the right of every private and public citizen to work for a corporation, and, by Executive Order, I will make it clear that our state will subsidize corporations by giving them tax breaks.
And we’ll make the unions understand full well that they are not needed and not wanted State of South Carolina, Inc."
s.c.gov. nikki haley
I, for one don't think its fair that you have to pay higher taxes as your income increases. That's penalizing someone for earning more. I don't make enough to afford me an accountant that can find me some sweet tax loopholes...
I don't make enough to afford me an accountant that can find me some sweet tax loopholes
If you don't make enough to afford an accountant, then you don't make enough to pay significant taxes. Problem solved, troll.
If you don't make enough to afford an accountant, then you don't make enough to pay significant taxes. Problem solved, troll.
ad hominem and invalid conclusion.
you still did not address the issue of how is it fair.
I do pay significan taxes. enough to buy a brand new car each year.
I do pay significan taxes. enough to buy a brand new car each year.
Without taxes, you would not have roads upon which to drive a car.
I do pay significan taxes. enough to buy a brand new car each year.
A competent tax accountant costs a small fraction of what a new car costs, and for those who make a lot of money, that account will save them far, far more than they spend on said accountant. I still say you're a troll, and not a very honest (or smart) one.
Neither of you addressed my question. You're good at avoiding the question by resorting to stupid responses and insults, but that does not advance the dialogue.
You two did not have anything valuable to say in the end.
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