Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Motion Picture and Television Fund's Long Term Care

The MPTF Motion Picture Retirement Home in Woodland Hills was on the brink of closing its long-term care unit two short years ago. Lack of money was the reason, and there was major push back against the unit being shuttered. In the end, l.t.c. stayed open.

Happily, there is now this: ...

The Motion Picture and Television Fund (MPTF) announced today that it will immediately begin admitting additional industry members to the long term care unit on its Wasserman campus in Woodland Hills. First priority for admission will be given to former MPTF long-term care residents who moved off campus at the time of the announcement of the proposed closure of the unit in 2009. MPTF’s long-term care unit, when fully occupied, will allow for 40 residents.

“We are excited to finally be able to bring more residents into long-term care,” said Bob Beitcher, president and CEO of MPTF. “This will be a pivotal moment for current long-term care residents and their families, other campus residents, and staff. It will restore the continuum of care on campus everyone has been hoping for,”

Getting l.t.c. on a firm footing has been something of an ongoing toothache for the Fund, so it's good to see that the long term care facility is not just holding steady in terms of the number of occupants, but is poised to grow numbers again.

Good news.


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